I lost a lot of my poetry when Yahoo packed up the geocities free sites. Here are I guess what I'd call the best poems of 2003-2006...a turbulent time in my life to say the least :-)
Oh heaven you look down
On a fool
A fool for love, not fortune
Wandering from friend to friend
Lost only in his own mind.
What is need, and
What is want,
When a craving so
illogical possesses a being.
Born with an ineptitude
At knowing what is enough
The fool,
Forfeits all that is real and good,
For all that is terrible fancy.
M.Kirkpatrick 2003
My Muse
Bring me your
Je ne sais quois
To help me fight
The numbness of my world.
Let me roll about
Under the glory of
Your adoring look
Just once more.
Feed my soul
With your passion
Taste me and tempt me
With your teasing tenderness.
And when we are through
I will find my heart
Once more filled
Ready to explode with joy and words.
M. Kirkpatrick 2003
I break myself
Upon the hard rock
Of your soul,
I throw my desires
Into cold winds
And wonder when the
hollows ache inside me.
I would rather
love a painful lie
Than believe a loving
Oh foolish girl
Who twisted your heart
Who tore your soul
Into shattered pieces?
Made you useless to
your very self,
Unkind to those who
would adore you,
Who made you this way?
M.Kirkpatrick 2003
When we walked together
Under starry skies
Nothing mattered
Not who are you, or
Who am I.
But time has passed
With many clouds
And we find ourselves
Lost to ourselves and others.
We let go of each other
In the inky blackness
And now wander, not
Knowing who to call for.
I know I loved you,
I know you loved me,
But what good is that love
If we never find each other
M.Kirkpatrick 2003
Do I make your head spin?
With giddiness or
with some remorse?
Do I make your heart
beat faster with each moment?
If only I could pass you
on a busy boulevard,
The scent of my skin
Turning your head, capturing
your imagination.
I close my eyes
And you smile down
from the starry
Background of my
And my head spins,
And my heart races,
And a lovely scent
wafts over me,
As the ghost of my life
Passes me by.
M.Kirkpatrick 2003
Inside Out
I feel like I am
Into the glass of
someone else's life.
Everything for once
clear, true,
No more self-delusions
No more lies and pain.
Finally a me who
I can bear to look at,
From the inside
M.Kirkpatrick 2003
In this bitter cold night,
I feel something biting me
It is not the wind,
Or some angry beast,
But the vain truth of your indifference.
M.Kirkpatrick 2003
My soul twin, my brother,
My friend,
The boundaries of our love roam
Not to be labeled or cornered
We are we.
You beat me with truth
You carve me hollow
with rage,
But when the storm has subsided,
I am still next to you, holding
on with all my heart and life.
Lost princesses kiss frogs
But true princesses
Find their other half
Even if it is on the dark
side of the world.
And realize that they need
the darkness as much as the light.
Platonic love fated by eternity
Infinitely more mysterious
Ever more exciting and rewarding.
This place where we reside,
This realm of our love, is dark,
and deep, and vast as the
shadows of my soul.
M.Kirkpatrick 2003
Split apart
Ripped at seams
Torn along the ridge of reality
Cracked and bleeding out life's unfairness.
Feels like my heart is
Upon a shelf
Across the room, safe
Miles from my mind.
I bet your heart
Never leaves you
It bursts with brazen rhythm
I long to dance to.
My heart cannot feel
It is on a shelf
Tucked away
Split, ripped, torn, cracked
I look at it, but have
no desire to have it back.
M.Kirkpatrick 2004
I try to see the sun
But darkness falls
And the moon
Drugs me in her cool gaze.
Like I want to fall
Down into a ghostly field
Of daisies
Slowly enveloped in
white dark beauty.
Clouds racing over
my body
Making me shiver
with cold, with fear.
How can I rise
from this beautiful
Tears in a moonlit meadow
Don't count.
M.Kirkpatrick 2004
Beneath our masks,
We are we
We are the earth,
moon, and stars
Together as one.
Without our false faces,
We are true friends
We are true lovers
We are true.
Take off your cover
Let me see your naked soul
Let me look on you with
love and adoration
Without our masks
You will believe.
M.Kirkpatrick 2004
Who can love the butterfly
Hiding in her cocoon,
Who can find the princess
Behind a grotesque mask.
Flashes of color
Promises of sweet darkness
A kiss to prove
There must be something more.
But what if the butterfly
Just a plain moth
You waited for her
promised beauty
And now she's free
But your love is dead.
She flies away
M.Kirkpatrick 2004
Am I a tree
That sways with the
Fickle winds of change?
Am I the bloom
that closes just before
the bee escapes?
His life laden wit
promise, I hold him
against his will.
I am a holder
Who hangs on
Can't let go of one
piece of my world--
Because if I do
It won't make sense.
The puzzle of my life
Makes sense now,
So why do I long
to tear it apart,
Force pieces where
they don't belong.
All I am
All I represent
Lies in the forced puzzle piece
It almost looks right
It almost fits right.
But oh how it feels totally wrong.
If only I could be happy
With the pretty picture meant for me.
Then maybe I would have
A moment of peace,
A moment to reflect on its truth.
M.Kirkpatrick 2004
What you see
May give you fear
What you feel
May drown you.
But I can't stop it,
Fate has put you
In front of this
runaway train
That is me.
Some have tried
To kill my spirit
With cruelty and truth
But I must believe
That something magically
Carries me forward toward you.
I don't want to run
Anyone over,
But who will ever
Come to me?
M. Kirkpatrick 2005
First Date
Tell me your life
So I can catch up on what I missed
Who was your first love,
Your first real kiss.
You tell me and I fade away
Half listening, half dreaming
How can I push away cold
memories that I don't want.
I long to fill you
With all my words of joy
Find that sad part of you
That matches mine.
And make you whole again.
And the difference is
I don't feel alone
As I've always done.
I think finally we are home.
M. Kirkpatrick 2005
For once my mind
is still,
So quiet,
Faced with the deepest truth
about myself,
I'm in awe.
None can say
That it is wrong
to feel this way
None can say
That I have no
right to feel and live.
My heart is finally opened,
Free to beat a
crazy rhythm
To another's lovely
Instinct to grab it,
Suffocate it, try
to keep it within me,
But for once I have
the wisdom to hold
gently to my dream.
It may fade
Or starkly change
But life's messages
Course through me
And I know there is meaning,
Purpose to my path.
M.Kirkpatrick 2005
Worlds apart
We meet in the ether
Where you sing to me
A love that I dreamed of.
And when the time comes
You fade into the fog
And once again
I'm lost.
Why did I believe
That you could eat
The darkness
Surrounding me.
Why did I think
We could walk together
When we are ghosts
Of different worlds.
M. Kirkpatrick 2005
He whispered in my ear,
Pulling me by the hand,
Up, up, up,
His words caressing my ears
"Harrow darling, we are here."
Pulling me down gently
Onto the grass
Laughing softly, he pointed
Showing me the place where
our hero Byron
Had spent so many hours
in contemplation.
Looking in his cerulean eyes
Sparkling with love for me
Love for Byron
Love for this moment
We'd waited a lifetime to share.
And I, my heart exploding
Could almost feel his presence
Feel his words wash over me,
over us.
Like our forbidden love
Our tragic adventure
through life,
We wanted him to see us
Living his words.
M. Kirkpatrick 2005