Sunday, April 13, 2008

Truest Intention

Fear has locked
Your spirit of life
Blind and haunted
You wander earth with eyes of darkness.

If eyes are windows
Of the soul,
Yours appear to be
Covered from the outside
Your soul trapped behind false truths.

Open your eyes
Without fear
Finding a vision
Of your own creation
Put there by God's own and your intention.

Sweet knowledge
Not the kind you find
In books or in the mouths of priests
But from looking within
To the very place you feared to look before.

Truest intention maybe more frightening
Than no intention at all
Because you see what you truly want
Creating the truth reveals
Our balance between darkness and light.

I know your fear,
I have been there,
I reside in my own truth now
And though at times I cower
The knowledge of truth is more powerful.

The creations of our truest heart
Can be abominations of the worst sort
Or they may be the most beautiful feelings
But what we cannot be afraid of
Is the act of creation, the ultimate gift of God.